
How to Maintain Your Apartment

»Posted by on Jan 17, 2022 in Handyman | 0 comments

If you are a renter, you might think that you’re off the hook when it comes to maintenance expenses. However, that is not the case. Just because you’re renting the place does not mean you are clear and free of any burden on your wallet. 

Throughout your lease period, there are a couple of preventative maintenance tasks that you need to keep up with. If you don’t, the landlord might end up taking away all your deposit and you’ll get nothing when you leave.  

Today, we’re going to share with you a couple of maintenance tasks you should do with your apartment. If you need help, you can always hire handyman services Macedonia. 


Whether the door leads to a private room or a common area, a malfunctioning or broken door can result in an expense if you leave it alone. To maintain a door, here are some tips to follow: 

  • Ensure that the deadbolt works without any hiccups or snags. 
  • Check the weather stripping to ensure it is properly working. 
  • Make sure that the door sweeps are not worn out or broken. 
  • Verify the chain lock is secured firmly to the wall or door.  
  • Ensure that the hinges are in excellent condition and are lubricated properly.  

Decks and Porches 

If you ignore it for a long period, your porch can fall easily into disrepair. Because of this, you should not get stuck with a bill if your landlord has to repair a problem that could have been tackled before the problem gets worse.  

Almost every porch problem will fall under general wear and tear. However, you should remember that vacating your previous living space with missing guard rails or banisters can take a huge part of your deposit. Thus, you need to periodically examine for issues. 

  • As soon as possible, communicate any damage with the landlord.  
  • Examine for loose wood on the base structure or handrails of your porch.  
  • Search for rot at the base of the spindles, railings, and banisters.  

Paint and Walls 

Fill every single nail hole in the drywall. There are tons of guides online that can help you fix nail pops easily and quickly.  

If the damage in your drywall is more significant, you might have to hire a professional handyman for help. This is particularly true when it comes to moisture damage or doorknob holes.  

When it comes to paint on cabinetry or walls, wear and tear and smudges should not be an expensive problem for most renters.  

Examine Your Lease Agreement 

All landlords and leasing companies are not the same. Thus, the items and maintenance you are responsible for might differ from one apartment to another. Examine your lease to see if you are responsible for these tasks: 

  • Getting rid of yard waste and mowing the lawn 
  • Arranging for trash removal 
  • Maintaining particular appliances 
  • Cleaning the dryer vent 
  • Replacing air filters 
  • Replacing light bulbs 

It does not matter what tasks are needed. It is ideal to maintain your property and make your landlord aware of any damage.  

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