Pain Management

Tips to Ease Arthritis During Cold Season

»Posted by on Jan 19, 2022 in Pain Management | 0 comments

Fall brings cold weather, and if you have arthritis, you know that arthritis pain often worsens in the winter. Whether you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis, discomfort can make it difficult to participate in everyday activities that require movement. Fall weather, on the other hand, does not have to hinder you from doing the things you enjoy. Here are five methods to cope with arthritis discomfort during the winter: 

To control arthritis, keep your, hands, head, and feet covered 

When it’s cold outside, certain blood flow is directed from our extremities to our core organs, like our heart and lungs. This causes a reduction in blood flow to our joints, resulting in stiffness and pain. When going outside, wearing the appropriate attire might help you stay warm. To keep warm, dress in layers and waterproof boots and wear socks to keep your feet from getting wet or damp. Because the head, hands, and feet are where the body’s internal heat is lost the most quickly, protecting these body parts can assist keep the body warm. 

Maintain a balanced diet. 

Eating a well-balanced diet can aid in the loss of excess weight, which can put additional strain on your joints. Add foods like omega-3-rich fish, walnuts, soybeans, green tea to your diet to help combat inflammation that could result in joint pain. 

Nutritional balance also guarantees that you obtain the minerals and vitamins you require. Low vitamin D levels have been associated with the intensity and development of arthritis in recent research. In the fall and winter, you naturally get less vitamin D, and being deficient can make your joints pain much more. 

Because the body can only absorb vitamin D in the presence of calcium, you must ingest this mineral daily through diet or supplementation. The formation of cartilage cells is hampered by a lack of Vitamin D and calcium. 

Drink a lot of water. 

Staying hydrated is important for draining toxins from your body and maintaining your joints be lubricated, both of which help to lessen joint inflammation and pain. It can also help you keep your flexibility while lowering your chance of injury. The standard suggestion is eight glasses per day, but depending on your activity level and medical history, your doctor may make a different prescription. If plain water isn’t your thing, consider adding berries or cucumbers that have been freshly sliced. Try black or green tea, which are both high in polyphenols, which are plant components with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. 

Move about the house to stay active. 

Exercise relieves arthritis symptoms, and remaining active in the winter can keep joints from stiffening. Several easy-to-do physical exercises may be done indoors: 

• Using a stationary bike 

• Stretching 

• Indoor walking 

• Taking a low-impact yoga or aerobics class 

• Swimming in an indoor pool 

• Taking the stairs rather than the elevator 

Consult your doctor about over-the-counter medications 

Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium are all over-the-counter pain relievers that can aid with arthritis discomfort. However, each pain reliever carries its own set of hazards. Consult your doctor to determine which, if any, of these medications are appropriate for you. You may also ask for pain medication management in Boca Raton, FL today.  

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